Please call the individual sites directly to inquire about the events listed on our event calendars and to inquire about hours.
The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area does not own or operate any of the sites listed below. They are owned and managed by the organizations listed in the site descriptions. Please call ahead for special accommodation needs or with any questions about their sites.
Heritage Sites
Revolutionary War
Heritage Sites
Knox's Headquarters State Historic Site
The Georgian/Dutch style Ellison House served as the headquarters for several of the Continental Army's key generals during the American Revolution.
Madam Brett Homestead
The Madam Brett Homestead, the oldest house in Dutchess County, explores the evolution of American heritage through seven generations of a single family.
Mount Gulian Historic Site
Mount Gulian is a reconstruction of the 18th-century Dutch house that served as the headquarters for drillmaster of the Continental Army, in 1783.
New Windsor Cantonment State Historic Site
The New Windsor Cantonment explores the day-to-day lives of the soldiers at the final encampment of the Continental Army during the American Revolution
Old Dutch Church
A grand 19th-century structure, Kingston's Old Dutch Church and its surrounding graveyard reflect the city's 300-year history.
Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site
Philipse Manor Hall contains superb 18th-century woodwork, as well as one of America's earliest decorated plaster ceilings.
Saratoga National Historical Park
The "turning point of the American Revolution" occurred at the Saratoga Battlefield, where American forces defeated British regulars and Hessian auxiliaries in 1777
Schuyler Mansion State Historic Site
Schuyler Mansion was the home of Major General Philip Schuyler, descendant of one of Albany's most powerful Dutch founding families.
Senate House State Historic Site
During the American Revolution, a room in this Dutch stone house served as the first senate chamber of the New York State legislature.
St. Paul's Church National Historic Site
The 18th-century church and graveyard the make up St. Paul's Church include a museum on local events that helped shape the nation.