Hudson River Valley | Management

Management Plan

The Management Plan, produced by the Hudson River Valley Greenway Communities Council and the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc. (“Greenway”), presents comprehensive recommendations for the Heritage Area. It is the result of extensive public participation through public meetings and individual interviews involving private citizens; community and business leaders; federal, state, regional, and local organizations, agencies and elected officials; heritage professionals; and others with an interest in the future of the Heritage Area.

One of the most important objectives of the Heritage Area is to increase access to and interpretation of the nationally significant cultural and natural resources that are related to the themes (“the Heritage Sites”). The Management Plan proposes the implementation of Heritage Area Trails to link the Heritage Sites using three primary themes: Freedom and Dignity, Nature and Culture, and Corridor of Commerce. The Trails will bring together Heritage Sites, their communities, and a variety of public and private agencies to create partnerships to meet the legislative mandate to conserve and interpret the Heritage Area.

Heritage Sites and their communities will benefit from technical assistance, a clearinghouse, and networking opportunities. The public will benefit from a series of guidebooks and a cohesive and comprehensive approach to interpretation.Access will be enhanced by a well-coordinated system of signs, maps, and other descriptive materials. The Management Plan continues the Greenway’s regional planning process that respects home rule; the Heritage Area has no regulatory authority and all participation is voluntary. The Plan anticipates that communities and regional, state, and federal agencies will work together to reach beyond individual Heritage Sites. In recognition that heritage tourism is crucial to local economic vitality, Heritage Area communities will continue to increase joint marketing efforts, revitalize waterfronts and main streets, and improve public transportation access for residents and tourists alike

To download a PDF of the Management Plan, please click here.

Board and Management Committee

  • Board
  • Management Committee:

In accordance with our Legislation, the Hudson River Valley Greenway Board is identified as the management entity for the Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area.  All initiatives and programs of the Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area are reviewed by members of a Management Committee as well as advisory members who represent various partners with whom the Heritage Area collaborates. 

Click here to visit the Hudson River Valley Greenway site for a list of current members of the Greenway Board.

Members of the Management Committee include:

  • Kevin Burke, Co-Chair, Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area
  • Meg Downey, Co-Chair, Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area
  • J. Winthrop Aldrich
  • Amy Bracewell, Superintendent, Roosevelt-Vanderbilt NHS/NPS
  • James Brangan, Lake Champlain Basin NHP
  • Priscilla Brendler, Executive Director, Greater Hudson Heritage Network
  • Janet Burnet, Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route NHTA
  • Linda Cooper, NYS OPRHP Taconic Region
  • Allan Dailey, Interpretation Program Manager, Roosevelt-Vanderbilt NHS/NPS
  • Robert W. Elliott III, Greenway Council
  • Jaime Ethier, NYS Department of State
  • Betsy Jacks, Executive Director, Thomas Cole National Historic Site
  • Col. James Johnson, PhD, Hudson River Valley Institute
  • Scott Keller, Director, HRVNHA
  • Pamela Malcolm, Site Manager, Staatsburgh SHS
  • Sally Mazzarella, Greenway Council
  • Jayne Mclaughlin, Greenway Conservancy
  • Bob Radliff, Executive Director, Erie Canalway NHC
  • Cordell Reaves, Historic Preservation Program Analyst, NYS OPRHP
  • Rick Remsnyder, Director, Ulster County Tourism
  • Jamie Reppert
  • Melanie Rottkamp, Dutchess County Tourism
  • Paul Sparrow, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
  • William Tatum, Dutchess County Historian
  • Stefan Yarabek, Hudson & Pacific Designs, Inc
  • Johanna Yuan, Orange County Historian and Orange County Greenway Council Representative

And representatives from the Hudson River Valley Congressional Delegation