Hudson River Valley | Educational Resources

Educational Resources

The Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area strongly believes in education as a key component for creating future generations of stewards who will preserve and promote our cultural and natural resources.

To that end, the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area is pleased to provide information on educational programs and initiatives of our partner organizations.

The Hudson River Valley Institute at Marist College

The Hudson River Valley Institute is the academic arm of the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area. Its mission is to study and promote the Valley and to provide the public with a range of educational resources.  HRVI has many lesson plans for grades 4-12.

The Hudson River Estuary Program, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

The Hudson River Estuary Program leads a partnership to conserve natural resources, promote public use and enjoyment of the river, and clean up pollution that affects our ability to use and enjoy the Hudson. The International River Foundation has recognized the Hudson River Estuary Program as one of the world’s top five river management programs. The Hudson River Estuary Program has lesson plans in all disciplines for grades 3-5.

Teaching the Hudson Valley

Teaching the Hudson Valley was a program of the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area and Hudson River Valley Greenway; the National Park Service’s Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites, the Hudson River Estuary Program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Hudson River Valley Institute at Marist College. The program ended in 2022.