Caramoor | Event/Performance | Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area

Please call the individual sites directly to inquire about the events listed on our event calendars and to inquire about hours.

The Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area does not own or operate any of the sites listed below. They are owned and managed by the organizations listed in the site descriptions. Please call ahead for special accommodation needs or with any questions about their sites.

In 1928 lawyer and financier Walter Rosen and his wife Lucie fell in love with the property called Caramoor that would become their summer home. To furnish the Mediterranean-style villa that took ten years to complete, the couple imported such treasures as lacquered panels from an 18th-century Italian palazzo and the painted walls and vaulted ceiling of a 17th-century Burgundian library, creating a home that they intended “not to be new or old but just to be beautiful,” as Lucie once described. The Rosens filled the rooms with Chinese wallpaper, ceramics and jade, along with European furniture, paintings and sculpture from the 1500s to the 1800s. The surrounding grounds include the Sunken Garden, the Woodland Garden and the Sense Circle, and now feature contemporary sound art installations in place throughout the landscape during the summer. As musicians and prominent patrons of music, the Rosens hosted house concerts. Today, the house and grounds are venues for public concerts of chamber music, jazz, opera, world music and other genres from the spring through the holiday season. 

Amenities: Passport Stamp, Family Friendly, Restrooms

Tourism Information